Friday, August 31, 2012

Check Out This Netflix Movie

At first I was very turned off by this movie, for my boyfriend been trying to make me watch this movie for about a week. But I gave in the other day and I was glad I did.

This movie was a mixture of over dramatic America Sterotypes. Also, it has a lot of action and it was very gory in some parts, so beware if you're not into that. I will like to tell more about this movie, but I think this Link will do a better job in telling you what it is about.

I think this movie was great. I love the cruel humor of this movie and the film brought a new form of action instead of the Micheal Bay types films. This movies shows how some Americans REALLY think and the inner thoughts that some people may have. So watch out you never know you which American will loses it.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thank You Computer Skills

I'm Loving my new header for my blog. I made it myself last night. I like to thank all the many hours I logged in Tumblr customizing it. I did this not only for my Tumblr a few 100 times, but my friend's Tumblr as well.

It's not that hard and you don't need PhotoShop and other over price software application. I used PowerPoint, Paint, and Google Image. If someone is interest in learning in how I did my header just post a comment. I will give you the step by step, and answers any questions a fellow blogger may have. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Lucky Mattress Run

When I was going on a walk to the store, I spotted this Mattress. At first I was thinking it was going to be a tore up mattress or something, but it was not. This Mattress was like Brand New, it did not have stains or a smell. So I came running back to the place I been staying at to see if anyone will help me carry this Queen Size Mattress a half a mile back to my place. My friend  was willing to do this. So while we were carry this that .5 of mile became crazy long and hard. I'm 5'5 and my friend was like 6ft. So carrying it was a problem do to highs differences, it at an angle, blowing in the wind. We made it a few blocks before some people felt sorry for us and helped us carry it back. I'm sitting on this fine piece of mattress right now.

Now all my friends and family are sick of me talking about this mattress. They don't understand I was sleeping on the floor for awhile, so having something soft to sleep on after so long is something to boast about.

Recent Bad Pic of Me

My most recent picture I have of my self. It was the day I went Summer with my Old Baby Sitter. She is the one on the right, I'm the one on the left with the crazy summing hair.

Say Bye Bye To Sleeping In

On Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday I have my schooling during those days. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and  Saturdays I have to work at Port Of Subs. All those days I have to be up at 7am, and I am the anti-morning person. However, I pretty much pass out when I get home for my days are so long. I come home, order some type of food for Ty and I, eat whatever I got, then pass out.  That is my life after school and work. Sundays are my only day off, and I love it. I kinda sleep in I woke up at 10 today. Can't really complain this semester I have great teachers as far as I can tell, and for work I should be grateful some people don't have jobs. 

This Sunday was pretty good. I got my Homework done, and I viewed some more houses. I found one that I LOVE it was the cutest little condo up on Sunset. I talked to both of the Landlords, and I can't really tell if they are will to rent to me. I have the all the funds to move in and pay in advance for months.
So I am not going to count my chickens before they hatch and let things play out.

Friday, August 24, 2012

I Might Be Getting My Own Place Soon

After forever of house hopping, I might be getting a place, I can call my own place. NO MORE BEGIN HOMELESS YESS!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lots of Change in a Few Days

Starting up the school route again, for another 14ish weeks. So in other words, back to sleepless night full of paper writings and preparing PowerPoint presentations. While I am dealing with that, I will be working a min of 20 hours a week at my new job that is SO MUCH BETTER than my last job. At least I am not stressing about how crazy work is. Also, the best part of each day is coming home to him.